Saturday, March 5, 2016

Mint for curing Acne and Pimples

Acne is a common skin condition that happens when your pore are clogged with oil and dead skin. It can occur on any part of your body, but most often appears on the face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders. Many people may reach to chemical treatments to get rid of their acne, but you may be interested in using a more natural remedy.
Benefits of mint leaves on acne:

Acne and pimple
·         Mint has anti acne element which dries up the acne & cleans up the pores.
·         External application of crushed mint leaves can lighten the acne scar/blemish.
·         The vitamin A element helps in controlling the excessive oil that the skin produces which results in acne. Can tone up the skin & remove the blackheads instantly.
·         It has an antioxidant property which keeps the skin soft & supple.
·          Mint leaves helps in fighting against various bacterial infections including acne as it is also formed due to bacteria.
·          Consumption of mint purifies the blood which in turn removes impurities such as pimples /acne.
Simple remedies using Mint leaves : 
1.   Combine mint juice with oatmeal powder to make a face pack that helps in exfoliating dead skin cells and revealing fresh skin on the outer surface.

2.    Add mint juice to fuller's earth and tomato juice, then dab on your pimples thoroughly. This helps in clearing acne-marks also.

Skin care
3.   Grind mint leaves and add sandalwood powder to it to make an anti-acne face mask at home naturally.

4.   Take some mint leaves, mungbean and curd. Apply this natural face pack on your skin to treat all sorts of facial imperfections like pimples, blackheads and rough skin completely.
5.   Take ½ cucumber, 1 tsp milk powder, 1 tsp yogurt & 1 tbsp finally chopped mint leaves; blend it in a blender to form a paste. Apply all over face and neck & wash off after 15-20 minutes for a flawless complexion.